Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Almost wordless wednesday

My attempts to keep the deer from eating my flowers and shrubs!  I saw 9 deer in the back yard last night.  we found the fish net in the ditch a couple of years ago!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

More from Mahogany Mnaor

Finally took a picture of the windows I did for the dining room!  They were set up for a dinner party...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Almost wordless wednesday

So you think your going to knit????

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Center Panel

The center panel for the downstairs turret at Mahogany Manor in Saint John
& if you like ghost stories check out this link to the Mahogany Manor resident ghost.
(all the panels I have made for the house have bevels so that she has more choices on where she  can come and go!)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jewel Thief

How I spent a cold winter day.....  This is a needle felted work in progress... I need to tone down the obvioulsy crocheted branches and my Raven needs an eye... Think it needs some sort of border to stabalize it too... any thoughts on that would be welcome!  (14.5 inch diameter/ 37 cm)... Colours are actually much vrighter, not sure why it's so washed out!)

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I just scrolled down through my blog which claims to be about
Beads, beads, and more beads and jewellery...  
In the last 7 posts you've seen pictures of a jigsaw puzzle... a really cute cat, lost luggage, a perturbed husband ... a yellow rubber duckie ... OK that was made out of beads, but not the type of beads you expect to see at this blog.....  

I actually made this one before Christmas .. think it's a cross between a jellyfish and a sea-urchin.. My flat lap is in one of the equipment piles in the dungeon while the 'bathroom' is being renovated... the floor rotted out and the sink rotted through and there was a shower down there that no-one used... problem is it was a very tight space when the bathroom was full of equipment... now the bathroom is empty so you can't even move in the rest of the basement....

To tell the truth I haven't made any beads in ages... except enameled ones.. I look at all my pretty glass rods and come back in the house and play computer games.. if I do make a bead I turf it in the aquarium as soon as I take it off the mandrel...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Almost wordless wednesday

My dining room table has been invaded..............
It's all Sue's fault!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Newest Family member

Meet  Elli-Mae ...  Actually you might have  seen her before here....  That was the first time I met her... you can tell it was love at first sight!

Killing a plastic bag on the dining room floor!
Showing off her new red collar... she hates everything about it expecially the bell!
Helping me play scrabble on the computer.... don't I have a neet desk!
She actually belongs to my son Stuart but since he was never home... we borrowed her because she was lonely.... Amazingly all three cats are 'sort of' getting along...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bead Table... someday

Finally finished my beaded rubber duckie... I won the pattern last winter... , So I bought the beads, then I started it using the pattern I won while we were driving through the US last May...but it was way bigger than I wanted... so I redrew the pattern last week... started making it using peyote only to discover that I had drawn the pattern sideways on the paper so it was drawn for brick stitch not peyote.....  cut the poor duckie apart and remade it using brick stitch... think this was the first time I have done something in brick stitch... I can see lots of things I would do differently another time.....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Almost wordless wednesday

Georgie is happily living in California now, where there is no snow..... although there is no snow here this year either at the moment... but I'm sure that will change :(

Today the forecast high is -8 C, the forecast low is -6C and the current temp is -14C... someone is rather confused!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wishing everyone a Happy & Safe New Year!

My title sums it up!  We spent last night the Europa Inn in St Andrews... can you think of a better way to bring in the New Year?

I took my camera to dinner.... 7 course meal spread out over 4.5 hours I was going to take a picture of each course... but as soon as the food arrived I/we dove in and about the time the plate was polished I said...

" Oh S*.*t I forgot to take another picture! 
I did manage to remember to take a picture of the soup course...(mainly because they had forgotten to set out soup spoons...)  So this is Gord looking very pensively at the corn stocks growing out of his lobster bisque... actually the corn stocks were OK!

 And this is what I spent my time between courses doing... The final version had the big dipper and the North star and.....