Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Almost wordless wednesday

My attempts to keep the deer from eating my flowers and shrubs!  I saw 9 deer in the back yard last night.  we found the fish net in the ditch a couple of years ago!


  1. Pricilla's cousins are hungry sorts

  2. Yea well if we had goats running free here I'm sure I would be cursing them too!

  3. When we lived out in the REAL country far from any neighbors, we would see a deer now and then. Now that we have moved to a neighborhood where (each home sits on 3+ acres)we have HERDS of deer, and our neighbor across the street feeds them. I pretty routinely see about two dozen deer in her yard. And they of course cross the street and make theirselves at home in ours as well. Between the deer and the drought, we have not bothered planting anything in our yard yet. If the drought ever ends, then we will be trying out how to thwart their munching too.
