Sunday, January 8, 2012

Newest Family member

Meet  Elli-Mae ...  Actually you might have  seen her before here....  That was the first time I met her... you can tell it was love at first sight!

Killing a plastic bag on the dining room floor!
Showing off her new red collar... she hates everything about it expecially the bell!
Helping me play scrabble on the computer.... don't I have a neet desk!
She actually belongs to my son Stuart but since he was never home... we borrowed her because she was lonely.... Amazingly all three cats are 'sort of' getting along...


  1. yesshe is... and she's sitting on my lap right now sucking on my clothes... I really do like having little wet spots all over me!

  2. Sweet! I have a soft spot for the little wool-suckers.
