Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bead Table... someday

Finally finished my beaded rubber duckie... I won the pattern last winter... , So I bought the beads, then I started it using the pattern I won while we were driving through the US last May...but it was way bigger than I wanted... so I redrew the pattern last week... started making it using peyote only to discover that I had drawn the pattern sideways on the paper so it was drawn for brick stitch not peyote.....  cut the poor duckie apart and remade it using brick stitch... think this was the first time I have done something in brick stitch... I can see lots of things I would do differently another time.....


  1. Now I am going to be singing the Rubber Duckie song all day....

    It is quite cute though

  2. Yea I sang the song as I made it!

  3. Too funny! A seed beaded rubber ducky - I never would have thought of it. :)

    Rubber ducky - you're the one....
