Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Almost wordless wednesday

My dining room table has been invaded..............
It's all Sue's fault!


  1. Just what you need...another new hobby

  2. Not new.... Just ignored for a number of years! I used to do them on the floor but the cats occasionaly ate the pieces ... or took them somewhere else to play with them!

  3. I love looking at puzzles in the store (did it just today), I love to buy them, I love to do them at other people's houses...but I never get around to setting one out and working on it at our house.

  4. That's a great puzzle! I had to quit doing them because one of our cats ALWAYS ate pieces, but he has "moved on" now and I'm thinking the new cats will ignore the card table? Maybe?

  5. I've wasted many years doing puzzles.... Used to do them watching TV then wondered why I missed half the program!
