Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wishing everyone a Happy & Safe New Year!

My title sums it up!  We spent last night the Europa Inn in St Andrews... can you think of a better way to bring in the New Year?

I took my camera to dinner.... 7 course meal spread out over 4.5 hours I was going to take a picture of each course... but as soon as the food arrived I/we dove in and about the time the plate was polished I said...

" Oh S*.*t I forgot to take another picture! 
I did manage to remember to take a picture of the soup course...(mainly because they had forgotten to set out soup spoons...)  So this is Gord looking very pensively at the corn stocks growing out of his lobster bisque... actually the corn stocks were OK!

 And this is what I spent my time between courses doing... The final version had the big dipper and the North star and.....


  1. Oh, we used to go to a restaurant in NJ for New Years that did the same thing. It was heavenly! They normally did five courses but for New Years they did 7. You had no idea what was coming but I never failed to clean the plate.

    Happy New Year to both of you!

  2. Looks like a nice tasty time! Happy New Year, Lynne and Gord!

  3. I always say I will do that too...and inevitably forget!
    Have a wonderful year ahead..and no more hospital trips!

  4. Hi Lynne, I had to smile reading your post. At least you got a picture of your collage.

    And Gordon's expression is priceless!

    Happy New Year
