Friday, December 30, 2011

Color Trends for 2012

Here are the color forecasts for 2012.

"70s appliances": Gold, almond, avocado green, and muted mustard.  All I 
can say about thisgroup is bleck... I didn't like any of these colours on appliances
and I don't see me wearing any of these colours as adornment bling!
Layered neutrals: Oatmeals, browns, tans, and grays.  Boring however 
copper that has been treated with LOS (liver of Sulpher) just could sneak in
as the first colour!
Pastels: Blush pink, robin's egg blue, and mint green.  Sufice to say
I hate pastels...
but I did started making pink beads last year! Guess I was working the
upcoming trend a year early ...
and I just bought myself a pair of mint green shoes, so will have to make some 
jewellery to go with them!

Graphic Black and White:  I like black & white.. however it seems 
to be a hard colour to sell here... earrings do sell bracelets and pendants don't.

Tangerine Tango:  & Pantone's choice for 2012.  Finally a colour I like!  
Actually a lot of my wardrobe is this colour

 I made these beads yesterday before I saw the 
colour forecast... 
guess they're a bit to manderine... may have to try 
and custom mix some red enamels into this orange 
or start a new trend!

Are these beads harvest gold mixed with tangerine tango?


  1. OMG !! BLECCH is right!!! We are just going to have to buck these trends!!!! Those gold enamels would look good with deep reds and blues and greens however!! i am using the ones that you made me as we speak. So I will be in touch in January/February if the gallery takes me on- I will want to order more!!
    HAve a very Happy New Year!!!!!

  2. Nope, not for me. I'm a brights girl

  3. Yuck!! those are tasteless, don' mind the pastels, golds, greens not that I am selling anything just need a gallery to take me up lol!
    Hope you have a happy, healthy and prosperous new Year.

  4. I have to agree I didn't like those colours on appliances in the 70's so why would I want to wear them 40 years later???? Although I don't remember any flesh tone appliances they would have been just gross!

    I'm with Pricilla (aka Patty) re bright colours... that tangerine which I like doesn't even go with any of the others!
