Thursday, December 29, 2011

Almost Wordless wednesday on Thursday!

While we were sitting at the airport waiting to fly home on Tuesday... this suitcase fell off the luggage cart on the way to the plane....  A couple of people did stop and look at it.... then it got put on the luggage cart (the one in the photo) and about 15 minutes after it fell off someone came along and delivered it to a plane... I hope there was nothing breakable in it as it fell about 7 feet...  And yes I'm home from Edmonton where I spent 13 days... 4 of which were in hospital... not my idea!


  1. Oh, wow. Getting all packed up for a trip and then have to spend a good portion of it dropped into a hospital bed...I'm seeing you identifying with that poor piece of luggage.

    Hope everything is all better!

    ps: thanks for the Christmas card...I didn't manage to get any mailed this year. Quite often I don't get them done till Jan...once it was March! :)
