Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jewel Thief

How I spent a cold winter day.....  This is a needle felted work in progress... I need to tone down the obvioulsy crocheted branches and my Raven needs an eye... Think it needs some sort of border to stabalize it too... any thoughts on that would be welcome!  (14.5 inch diameter/ 37 cm)... Colours are actually much vrighter, not sure why it's so washed out!)


  1. He's really beautiful. Something with a bit of sparkle for that eye....

  2. That is awesome. I've never felted. How are you going to finish? If you mat and frame it, I don't think it would need any further edge treatment.

  3. This is coming along really well would love to see it when you finish!

  4. Don't think I can afford to frame it round... but could mount it onto something square then framing would be much more affordable... think it needs a few beads in the water for sparkle too....
