Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

These are inspired by Jo Tinley's (Daisy Chain Designs) tutorial on the Art Jewelry Elements blog
The silver wire was recycled silver that I melted and reformed into wire a couple of years ago, the links need a lot of filing!  Everything except the copper and solder was recycled!


I love  Bougainvillea... SO I decided to try and make one this week.  Since they come in almost every colour of the rainbow, I made mine fairly light since pinks are expensive enamels and I wasn't sure it woud work!  Would love to live somewhere I could grow them!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week 8 Monochromatic

Focus on Life Week 8...   I decided to play around with  old photos for this week.  It was either that or a close up of a snow bank... which would have been a really depressing thing to have to do after 17 days in Costa Rica... 
The original picture was taken last July just as the fog was lifting with my new smart phone...  Not sure what I did to the picture today to reverse it when I removed the colour... oops!

Thought this picture might look neat with the colour removed too... Clouds also taken last July! The cloud looks a bit like a colourless rainbow!
And last but not least 'Llanos de Cortez' a waterfall in Costa Rica...  You can swim in the pool and walk behind the falls.  Lovely place for a picnic!

To see other particiapnts in Week 8's focus on life challenge check out Sally's blog

I used picmonkey to transform all my colour pics to B & W, most of the pictures were pretty monocramtic to start with!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 7 Flowers

I Love flowers... Unfortunately I live somewhere that the only place I can grow flowers 9 months of the year is in the house..These are some of my favorite flowering plants!

I found this seed pod lying on the ground yesterday... Thought it was very appropriate for Valentines! To see other peoples flowers check out Sally's blog at Studio Sublime.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Focusing on Life Week 7, 3rd  weekend in February...  Flowers....Here are some of my favorite flowers... They don't grow wild where I live but I have grown all of these as house plants at some point in time

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week 6 Feel The Love

Focusing on Life Week 6, 2nd  weekend in February...  Tomorrow (Feb 10) is actually my wedding anniversary... We eloped on my father's 65th birthday  (1989) I decided that I was going to use the wedding ring quilt pattern before I realized the significance of the date!  Since I'm not somewhere that I can take pictures of a wedding ring quilt I built a facsimilie on the beach out of shells.. I tried to draw one in the sand first but drawing two round rings the same size was impossible!

Of course these could also be Venn diagrams... which I truly have NO love for!

Two monkey sshowing the love for each other...Probably a mother white face capuchin Monkey with her 'baby' They don't really like the humans and break off branches and hurl them at you!

To see other blogs check out Sally Russicks post at Studio Sublime.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week 5~ Capture Our Hearts.

Focusing on Life Week 5, first weekend in February...  
Capture our hearts,  Remember the saying 
"Home is where the heart is?"
  I read somewhere a couple of days ago That 
"Home is where the Pet is" 
I think that is a much truer thought!
 So meet my heart throbs!
Thommy, Elli-Mae, Emmette, Ellie again 
and Callie (aka Little Flea) 

The little calico one is actually my sisters.
But my heart longs to be on a tropical beach somewhere ... I hate the cold

For other blog participants check out Sally Russick's blog 
Studio Sublime