Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week 5~ Capture Our Hearts.

Focusing on Life Week 5, first weekend in February...  
Capture our hearts,  Remember the saying 
"Home is where the heart is?"
  I read somewhere a couple of days ago That 
"Home is where the Pet is" 
I think that is a much truer thought!
 So meet my heart throbs!
Thommy, Elli-Mae, Emmette, Ellie again 
and Callie (aka Little Flea) 

The little calico one is actually my sisters.
But my heart longs to be on a tropical beach somewhere ... I hate the cold

For other blog participants check out Sally Russick's blog 
Studio Sublime


  1. No mention of the cat holder?


    I'm with you on the beach

  2. the black one (bottom middle) looks like our molly (who also features this week) - they do steal our hearts, don't they??
    santa barbara CA gets my heart every time - the beach, the artists' market, the weather... *sigh*
    no. 26

  3. I'm definitely a home is where the pet is kind of girl. Love that saying.

  4. Oh, I am with you - lovely kitties and yes, would love to be on a beach right now.

  5. you've got a house full! Love all your fur babies :) so cute! and the guy looks like a keeper too :)!

  6. I am with Antiquity Travelers!!! Cats are so unique...My sister has some and they are so comical sometimes...and yessssss there is a beach somewhere with my name on it too!

  7. Yes - I agree love those fur babies. Your fur babies are CUTE!!!

  8. I want to be on that beach too!! :)))

  9. Actually the black cat is the same cat twice... and the calico at belongs to my sister I just have three cats. Only one of which was adopted the others just sort of arrived!

  10. Lynne, I think their cute little kitty faces look like hearts too! They would definitely capture my heart!

    I long to be somewhere tropical too!

  11. Love all your cats. I can see where your heart is.

  12. Bet you can feel their love when they brush up against your legs.

  13. Your cats are lovely. I had one arrive last year and we have taken her in. She rewards us daily with loud purring even when we aren't petting her. I think she just wants to thank us for giving her a warm place to stay.

  14. I can relate, my dog Twila captured my heart upon first meeting her. I tell everyone is was love at first lick!

  15. Hi Lynne,
    Yes I can see why these little fur babies captured your heart. I agree with Sally the faces do look like hearts.

  16. Great pictures and a warm beach sounds perfect now.

  17. Awww, love seeing your cats. I have one myself. And she definitely has my heart so I understand completely. And I'm fortunate that the beach is about 15 minutes away!

  18. Our pets truly do make our home, don't they? Our 'boy' is going on nineteen this year, and has turned into an absolute lover in his old age. Likes nothing better than to be curled up in our laps purring.

