Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week 6 Feel The Love

Focusing on Life Week 6, 2nd  weekend in February...  Tomorrow (Feb 10) is actually my wedding anniversary... We eloped on my father's 65th birthday  (1989) I decided that I was going to use the wedding ring quilt pattern before I realized the significance of the date!  Since I'm not somewhere that I can take pictures of a wedding ring quilt I built a facsimilie on the beach out of shells.. I tried to draw one in the sand first but drawing two round rings the same size was impossible!

Of course these could also be Venn diagrams... which I truly have NO love for!

Two monkey sshowing the love for each other...Probably a mother white face capuchin Monkey with her 'baby' They don't really like the humans and break off branches and hurl them at you!

To see other blogs check out Sally Russicks post at Studio Sublime.


  1. Ah, the beach and shells! Great shot. I have seen some spectacular wedding ring quilts! Thanks for sharing!

  2. That's fantastic that you created your own wedding ring quilt in shells. I love that.

  3. Oh... Your story sounds fun, exciting and truly memorable.
    Happy wedding anniversary! Michelle #20

  4. a gorgeous pic, and happy anniversary for tomorrow :)
    happy saturday!
    no. 18

  5. Happy Anniversary. Like how you made the wedding rings out of shells.

  6. oh boy those monkey's don't look too happy with you! but love the shells on the beach ... great pics!

  7. Happy anniversary! What a creative and fun way to show the wedding ring quilt!

  8. Sweet photo when you know the story! And you know that a Venn diagram of love between two people would also look like that. Two individuals, overlapping!

  9. Happy Anniversary. I love your shells on the beach. That monkey looks a bit touched....

  10. Your post made me laugh! Happy Anniversary! Your photo would make a lovely card!

  11. Happy Anniversary! Great idea for showing your endless love.

  12. Lynne, I love the seashell pattern you made in the sand, I love the wedding ring pattern. Happy Anniversary!

    I enjoy reading your posts each week, I love the way you write!

  13. Happy anniversary. I love the wedding ring shells. One day, you will have to post a photo of the quilt as well.

  14. Lovely photo! Wishing you a happy anniversary!

  15. I'm really taken with your wedding ring pattern in the sand. Of course, I have a great love for most anything beach related, so this sand and shell pattern really speaks to me. Beautifully done!

  16. Happy, happy anniversary! Here's wishing the two of you many more. :)

    Thanks for sharing! I love your wedding rings in the sand!

  17. Happy Anniversary!! My hubby and I have a wedding ring quilt and I think you did an awesome job replicating the pattern on the beach! The monkeys are funny - but lovely none the less! :-)

  18. A belated Happy Anniversary! The shells totally look like a wedding ring quilt pattern to me. So sweet.
