Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 7 Flowers

I Love flowers... Unfortunately I live somewhere that the only place I can grow flowers 9 months of the year is in the house..These are some of my favorite flowering plants!

I found this seed pod lying on the ground yesterday... Thought it was very appropriate for Valentines! To see other peoples flowers check out Sally's blog at Studio Sublime.


  1. Beautiful flowers Lynne, but I'm captivated by the last photo of the pods in that beautiful heart shape. I've never seen pods like that they are such a beautiful color.

  2. The flowers are so pretty! How cool to find the pods like that!

  3. I love the hibiscus and bouganvilla flowers. Pretty! - Michelle #17

  4. Beautiful shots Lynne. I can feel the warmth from them so vibant and alive

  5. The colors of those flowers are so vivid, and that seed pod is an amazing find.. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Gorgeous flowers! Love that heart shaped pod ...

  7. I looooooove bougenvillas. (I know, that is a completely incorrect spelling :)

  8. ahhh! you've taken me right back to kenya 25 years ago with your exquisite flowers... thanks for the trip down memory lane :)

  9. Beautiful beautiful flowers. Love the red heart seed pods. You have brightened up a drab winter day. Thanks so much!!

  10. the seed pod is my favourite. i love how nature can send heart signs.

  11. Mmm, your tropical shots make me warm all over. No, not that kind of shot! Beautiful flowers and the seed pod a wonderful bonus!

  12. Such vibrant colors - love them. And your pods are very wonderful.

  13. Thanx for sharing your beautiful flowers with us. That seed pod is great.

  14. Very cool seed pod!!

    (no. 45 this week)

  15. Great photos, and wow, the seed pod, I've never seen anything like that!

  16. These look like flowers that are in my backyard! Lovely captures,...I especially love the pods - great photography!

  17. Lovely! What is the seed pod? That's wonderful!

  18. Beautiful flowers, especially love hibiscus. What is the seed pod? It's quite amazing.

  19. Actually I have no clue what that seed pod is I was hoping someone would tell me! It's from a tree whose leaves look a bit like a carragana. I took a couple of pictures of the seed pods while they were still growing but this one was on the ground on Valentine's Day!

  20. At our house in Florida, we planted a bunch of hibiscus and beauganvillia and I can see them out of most of the windows in the house and I just love all the color! It just makes you feel so alive there!

  21. Bougainvillea and hibiscus! Wonderful. I'm here in Florida so those are my kind of flowers.

  22. Enjoy the flowers while you can. And the warm sand! That seed pod is extraordinary!

  23. I smiled at the hibiscus, but the seedpod(s) really do steal the show! Hope you've had a truly amazing time on vacation!

  24. A seed pod in the shape of a heart! How cool! I love it.
