Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week 8 Monochromatic

Focus on Life Week 8...   I decided to play around with  old photos for this week.  It was either that or a close up of a snow bank... which would have been a really depressing thing to have to do after 17 days in Costa Rica... 
The original picture was taken last July just as the fog was lifting with my new smart phone...  Not sure what I did to the picture today to reverse it when I removed the colour... oops!

Thought this picture might look neat with the colour removed too... Clouds also taken last July! The cloud looks a bit like a colourless rainbow!
And last but not least 'Llanos de Cortez' a waterfall in Costa Rica...  You can swim in the pool and walk behind the falls.  Lovely place for a picnic!

To see other particiapnts in Week 8's focus on life challenge check out Sally's blog

I used picmonkey to transform all my colour pics to B & W, most of the pictures were pretty monocramtic to start with!


  1. The waterfall looks divine. Glad you had a lovely vacation.

  2. oh wow that makes me want to go to Costa Rica pronto!! LOL just beautiful photos with shadow and light. And those clouds are really gorgeous!

  3. The waterfall is my favorite, but really like the boat picture also.

  4. that sky is amazing! looks like a giant brush has been washed across it - really works in b&w!!

  5. The first 2 photos have an eerie feeling to me at first but I like them. Hmm. I love waterfalls!

  6. Wow the clouds are amazing! I love the boats too, they look so peaceful.

  7. Awesome! I love the first two - the boats with the fog lifting - so peaceful.

  8. Very evocative....and now I really want to go to Costa Rica!

  9. I love the touches of color in the first photo. Fantastic shot. And the sky is incredible in the other photo. The streaky clouds probably show up better in B&W than in the original. And a waterfall! Doesn't get any better than that.

  10. Those are lovely phpots. I do like the one with the cloud rainbow. It is perfect in black and white.

  11. The almost mirror images of the sea and boat are a lot of fun.

    While your cloud looks like a bridge across the sky - it's so distinct.

  12. Love the clouds photo - just gorgeous!

    (no. 43 this week)

  13. Love the waterfall! All the pictures give something to the black and white experiment!

  14. Great photo choices. Thanx for sharing your vacation with us. The idea was to see things in black and white. you did it well.

  15. Really amazing photos! The first one looks very natural in B&W and the sky in the second one is incredible!

  16. The boat makes a beautiful photo but I am intrigued with the sky picture. It is so unusual and strangely eerie!

  17. Actually I think the sky lost some of it's dram when I made it B&W!
