Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

These are inspired by Jo Tinley's (Daisy Chain Designs) tutorial on the Art Jewelry Elements blog
The silver wire was recycled silver that I melted and reformed into wire a couple of years ago, the links need a lot of filing!  Everything except the copper and solder was recycled!


I love  Bougainvillea... SO I decided to try and make one this week.  Since they come in almost every colour of the rainbow, I made mine fairly light since pinks are expensive enamels and I wasn't sure it woud work!  Would love to live somewhere I could grow them!


  1. Very pretty. The colors are amazing.

  2. They are fantastic Lynne! I love seeing what people make with my tutorials, thanks so much for letting me know.
    I love the colours on your enamelled flower too.

  3. I adore bougainvellia too. I actually grew it in NJ - inside of course.

    Your enameled flower is stunning

  4. I used to grow it in SK outside in the summer indoors in the winter, but can't find it for sale here!

  5. I love what you've done with the clasp. And that other flower shape give me some ideas. Your enameled bougainvillea is perfect. Don't be jealous but I do have a bougainvillea in that color growing in the backyard.
