Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 9... Knock Knock

Week 9 of Sally Russick's Focus on Life Blog Challenge

 A door opened and I went through it.

                                                          ~Temple Grandin

I didn't have to think about this for very long, I have a door in my house that has followed me accross Canada.  I was born in Alberta in the 50's and grew up in a 1940's war house.  When my parents bought the house it had a small front porch/hall with a leaded glass door. (Between the porch and the living room)   When I was 4 there was a major renovation done to the house and the leaded glass door was put into the garage, where it stayed until I bought a 1920's bungalow in Saskatoon in 1981.  There was a  door missing between the bedrooms and the dining room, I immediately thought of the leaded glass door from our former porch. I measured the 'hole' dad measured the door  and we discovered it was a perfect fit!  So the door was wrapped up and moved East one province on  the roof of the family car.  The door had a home again.  I only lived in that house for 2 years.  My  next move was into a 1910 stone and brick house 3 blocks west and yes the door was moved and once again there was a doorway that fit it perfectly. Five years later we moved to a  house in rural Saskatchewan, the door moved but it didn't have a home this time... back in the garage for 10 years.
My door once again has a home in our house in NB, we  built the room that it acts as the door for, (It's the door between the gallery and the house) ... so it wouldn't be lonely  I made it a friend to keep it company! The hole they are filling was the original living room window.

For a look at  more doors check out Sally's blog


  1. That is an awesome story of the door that has been with you all of your life and a beautiful door at that.

  2. Beautiful door, and a wonderful story of its journey. I love its "friend" too!

  3. The migrating door! great story, and really beautiful one at that!

  4. What a beautiful PAIR of doors! Did you create the stained glass one? It's wonderful, I love the Art Deco look of it.

  5. I love that the door has traveled with you!

  6. My goodness that door has travelled well. Very beautiful and it's friend as well!

  7. What a beautiful journey for this well loved door. So charming! I don't have anything from the home I grew up in. But I heard that when the new occupants remodeled they found the section of plywood I had written the history of the house on. Well they framed it and it hangs on the wall. Someday I have to visit to see it (again) in person

  8. what a great story! and i'm glad you gave us a close up of the art deco style of the one you made - what amazing skills you have!
    no. 23

  9. Love this one Lynne! When I was a teenager in New Orleans, we used to sit on the streetcar and watch the leaded glass doors on the houses as we rode by- so lovely!

  10. What a great story! To have a functional piece that's been in your life since childhood is so special. It's a perfect subject for this week! And your additional window to match it is gorgeous!

  11. What an incredible journey this door has had. So wonderful that you've been able to keep a piece of your past with you. It's beautiful, too, and what a gorgeous glass knob it has, too. Your window is gorgeous!

  12. What a wonderful story & great history your door has! It's a gorgeous looking door too - & now that it has a friend it'll never be lonely ;)

  13. Oh my what an incredible door and such a lovely journey it's had with you! And the companion you made it is equally gorgeous, too!! Doors do have special meanings.

  14. I love your story/tribute and your door is MAGNIFICANT! Totally amazing. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Very cool that you have kept a piece from your childhood home all these years. The window is wonderful too.

  16. This is such a wonderful story! I never thought a door can be moved from place to place - but I like this door: full of love and memories. You moved some through Canada :)

  17. What an awesome story! Your door really has a history.

  18. What a great story! I love that door, too.

  19. Now that's a door! Great post - interesting!

  20. I had no idea that you could more a door and I love the idea of taking it with you from house to house. (If I had a door like that, I probably would move it with me also.) :)

  21. Excellant post! I have an old door that has traveled with me from Wisconsin to Alaska and back. It's in my garage and I should have unburied it so I could have taken pics for this week post.

  22. That's quite a story! And no wonder it has stayed with you, its gorgeous!

  23. I actually have a lot of furniture that has been with me all my life.. nothing in my house matches!

  24. Wonderful story. That door surely is a part of your life.

  25. WOW! What a great story and the door is absolutely beautiful!!

  26. What a great story to go along with your lovely picture. How special that you have taken this door with you everywhere youve lived.
