Monday, January 31, 2011

One World One Heart

This is the fifth and final year of One World One Heart.... The Blue flameworked/lampworked heart above is what I am giving away this year. I am making one draw... random number generator ... please only leave one comment!

For every 100 comments I receive I will add another bead to my winners prize stash! A picture of the extra bead(s) will be added to this blog!

I will notify the winner on Friday Feb 18th that they have won, The winner has 24 hours to get back to me with their mailing address, If I haven't heard in 24 hours I will generate another winner! Good Luck!


and here's a link to the particpants

Friday Feb 18th 2 pm Atlantic time....  I just put 1 -131 through and got #15 which is Fat Dormouse from the UK... she will be getting the heart bead and one or two more beads... providing she answers my email... I actually picked 4 numbers!  Thanks for participating in the final OWOH!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

January's sateam blog carnival

The topic for this months blog carnival is "What is your favorite material and why?" If my answer to that isn't glass I'm in trouble... I really do have enough glass to open a store... actually I have more glass than a lot of stores do... I have glass for doing windows, for fusing, for lampworking, for jewellery, ... I have boxes of Crystals, pressed Check Glass, I have glass seed beads (that's my latest lust).

I first met glass in 1969 living in Switzerland.... Jump 15 years to a flat glass class that I took as a favor to a friend. I won't say cutting glass was instant love but once you start taking over the house/ garage/ studio with sheets of glass you have to pretend to love it!

But then I made fusing.... heat ... I'm drawn towards anything that produces heat! I'm always frozen so anything that produces heat is GOOD! Fusing was good but then along came flames and fire... I have a torch... I can now make beads... Oh did I forget to mention that I have a houseful of glass lampworked beads.....And if I wasn't in love with glass as glass just look at the colours! I love colour...

If your wondering where the picture of the sheet glass is.... my dungeon is too dingy and gloomy to take a decent photograph in! But I've just started making rondels on my torch to use in my windows.

Here's everyone elses links


Familee jewels

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Almost wordless Wednesday

Here's a sneak preview of what I'm sending my bead soup partner, Lisa of Beading Bliss! This was as bad as I could get this picture.. I think most things are actually identifiable... the aim was for a blur of colour!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ABS January Callenge blog tour

This months painting is "Brown River" by Wayne Thiebaud... when I squint at the painting all I see are the yellow fields and the coppery brown River....

This nice coppery coloured river leads me to ... 'Copper' my new metal.... Since silver is hovering close to the $30 US per troy ounce (Today's spot $27.39, actually that's down a whole $ since I started writing this post!) I have decided to unlove silver and start loving copper!

Since I like yellow and I'm trying to like copper I actually made two necklaces for this challenge one has already shown up in my blog, I retook the picture on a better(?) background....

The second piece uses a foldformed copper 'bead' as it's focal point. the 'bead is incorporated into the chain and has been hand coloured to highlight the texture in the piece. The links are mostly hand made by me..., but there are also some commercial copper beads, some Tierra Cast Copper., and some Mykanos metalized clay beads, and don't forget the little yellow handformed lampwork beads also made by me!

Link to other participants...... blog tour

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bead Table Monday

New hopefully weekly post... What's on my Bead Table first thing on Monday morning..... The idea for this post was actually

Bead Table Wednesday... but my blog already has a wednesday post so your getting my Monday morning mess!
Week 1

Yes it's messy.. I do clean up between projects.... and I suppose that isn't technically a table it's actually a tray so I can carry it around with me... the original plan was to be able to take it in the car... so far it hasn't left the house!

What am I making.... the copper links (which I made yesterday) are for the chain to support my tassel for the tassel challenge. IF you too want to make a tassel for

Beadedbear's Nonsense and Complete Waste of Time: Tassel Challenge!

click on the link.... not sure if we're suppose to give previews on the tassels but here's a teaser

Still wondering about linking all of those copper elements together for the chain... the '#(#%)' tassel weigh's a ton... might need a counter weight hanging down my back ..... will obviously have to have the toggle clasp at the front ... but that's about the only given!

Check out other peoples bead tables by clicking on the link in the thread above this one!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Almost wordless Wednesday

When we were in NH just before Christmas I saw a huge window made out of rondels.... So I decided to make some lamp-worked rondels and design a window around them.... This is the UNFINISHED prototype... (and yes it should be rotated 90 degrees to the right!) now to design one that suits the criteria of my commission... brown and gold glass.... Think I can sneak in bevels and rondels and lots of texture... will they like it.. or will I be making stock for the gallery!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bead Soup Time Again

I joined the Bead Soup Party last winter about this time. (There was a summer one which I missed as we were traveling) Last winter I traded beads with Jo from Daisy Chain Jewellery in England. We both mailed them on the deadline for mailing beads.. I got mine in 4 days... she got her beads from me 2 days before the great reveal!

Not sure what I'm sending this year.. I have been busy making focal beads ... I have some that I like, but they all have yellow in them... which as far as I can tell is a Universally disliked colour... by everyone except for me!

There are 210 people playing this round .... that's a lot of adminstration.... I wonder who I will be paired up with....

Above is one of my many yellow beads... this one has become part of a copper necklace... trying to wean myself from using nothing but overpriced silver... the price has to come back down... Don't you think?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sale ON Etsy

In honor of having my etsy shop for 3 years (even if there was nothing listed for the first year....) starting today and lasting until at least Feb 14 my entire shop will be 30% off just use the code 30now .

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Art Bead Scene Blog: The High Cost of Silver

Art Bead Scene Blog: The High Cost of Silver

I thought this was an interesting article! So far I've kept my prices static... they haven't changed in 6 years.. Is this the summer that I break into my computer and raise all my jewellery prices .....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New style tree bead

This sort of looks like a green valentine..... was suppose to be the might oak bursting into spring foliage... think it lost something in translation!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Almost wordless Wednesday

This is the sink we had in our Hotel Room New Years Eve! Isn't it neat! Europa Inn is also where we had our awesome 7 or 8 course tasting dinner that lasted from 7 pm til midnight!