Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bead Soup Time Again

I joined the Bead Soup Party last winter about this time. (There was a summer one which I missed as we were traveling) Last winter I traded beads with Jo from Daisy Chain Jewellery in England. We both mailed them on the deadline for mailing beads.. I got mine in 4 days... she got her beads from me 2 days before the great reveal!

Not sure what I'm sending this year.. I have been busy making focal beads ... I have some that I like, but they all have yellow in them... which as far as I can tell is a Universally disliked colour... by everyone except for me!

There are 210 people playing this round .... that's a lot of adminstration.... I wonder who I will be paired up with....

Above is one of my many yellow beads... this one has become part of a copper necklace... trying to wean myself from using nothing but overpriced silver... the price has to come back down... Don't you think?


  1. I am also part of the bead soup party and can't wait to see who I am linked up with. BTW I love your yellow beads :)

  2. I'm also in the Bead Soup Party! Isn't it great?!?!? 210 fantastic beaders all having an International Partay!

    Love the bead you have up there--that's very pretty.

  3. Well, obviously I like yellow or I wouldn't have painted my bedroom yellow....

  4. This is a beautiful bead. I didn't know yellow was disliked so much.

  5. Just dropped by I am with Lori's bead soup party, thought I recognised you. I have 2 of your amazing jellyfish beads. Nice to connect again.

  6. I know, I should use those beads but they are so nice to just look at, I want to do something special with them and when I do will send you a picture.
    Sent my bead soup off to Poland yesterday.
