Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ABS January Callenge blog tour

This months painting is "Brown River" by Wayne Thiebaud... when I squint at the painting all I see are the yellow fields and the coppery brown River....

This nice coppery coloured river leads me to ... 'Copper' my new metal.... Since silver is hovering close to the $30 US per troy ounce (Today's spot $27.39, actually that's down a whole $ since I started writing this post!) I have decided to unlove silver and start loving copper!

Since I like yellow and I'm trying to like copper I actually made two necklaces for this challenge one has already shown up in my blog, I retook the picture on a better(?) background....

The second piece uses a foldformed copper 'bead' as it's focal point. the 'bead is incorporated into the chain and has been hand coloured to highlight the texture in the piece. The links are mostly hand made by me..., but there are also some commercial copper beads, some Tierra Cast Copper., and some Mykanos metalized clay beads, and don't forget the little yellow handformed lampwork beads also made by me!

Link to other participants...... blog tour


  1. Both are very striking. I really must start taking photos...

  2. THis has tomorrows date on it for posting so why is it showing up today!

  3. These look lovely, what a great use of copper and I love those little yellow beads!

  4. I love copper too. My husband is a Master Electrician and it is just wire but I love the coloe of it. I will be following you to see what you are up to. This is my first Bead Soup. Be Blessed

  5. Yellow is hard for me. So I cheated and used a bit of a lime-y green instead. I love the foldforming. Never done that. Seems quite mysterious. And I am a total copper lover. Loved it always and will love it still no matter what silver does. I like to mix in little touches of other metals with it. Thanks for sharing your inspiration! Enjoy the day!

  6. Nice work! I think you might be right to 'love' copper. The copper bead you made is quite cool!
