Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Almost wordless Wednesday

Here's a sneak preview of what I'm sending my bead soup partner, Lisa of Beading Bliss! This was as bad as I could get this picture.. I think most things are actually identifiable... the aim was for a blur of colour!


  1. Actually the picture is much clearer than I wanted it to be!

  2. Wow, color! I am pretty dull when it comes to color, this might be just the challenge I need!! haha, Can't wait to see it for real!

  3. I know you think the picture is clear but I can't make out a thing! It's driving me crazy ;) But I do love the color scheme. Can't wait to see it clearly!

  4. I can't figure it out what kind of beads are they. Waiting for clearly picture:)

  5. It's clear for you because you know what it is, your brain knows how to decipher each dot of colour -- I promise, it's a blurry enigma for the rest of us. ;) Lovely colours!
