Saturday, January 29, 2011

January's sateam blog carnival

The topic for this months blog carnival is "What is your favorite material and why?" If my answer to that isn't glass I'm in trouble... I really do have enough glass to open a store... actually I have more glass than a lot of stores do... I have glass for doing windows, for fusing, for lampworking, for jewellery, ... I have boxes of Crystals, pressed Check Glass, I have glass seed beads (that's my latest lust).

I first met glass in 1969 living in Switzerland.... Jump 15 years to a flat glass class that I took as a favor to a friend. I won't say cutting glass was instant love but once you start taking over the house/ garage/ studio with sheets of glass you have to pretend to love it!

But then I made fusing.... heat ... I'm drawn towards anything that produces heat! I'm always frozen so anything that produces heat is GOOD! Fusing was good but then along came flames and fire... I have a torch... I can now make beads... Oh did I forget to mention that I have a houseful of glass lampworked beads.....And if I wasn't in love with glass as glass just look at the colours! I love colour...

If your wondering where the picture of the sheet glass is.... my dungeon is too dingy and gloomy to take a decent photograph in! But I've just started making rondels on my torch to use in my windows.

Here's everyone elses links


Familee jewels


  1. You do have lots of glass and seed beads, wow. I would love to see a pic when you have inserted your rondels into your window glass. Will look fab.

  2. Love those rondels they are going to look great in windows.
    Been busy all afternoon getting my OWOH post up.
    My daughter Lara is our web master she works in Dreamweaver hopefully the web site will be finished in 3 or 4 weeks, she works on the site between her art commisions and a part time job, so yes it takes a bit longer lol.

  3. I've always been in awe of people that work with glass! It's such a beautiful medium!! I love your rondels, I'm sure they will look wonderful in your windows!

  4. Look at those colours - so bright and cheery, no wonder you like working with glass. Love the rondels, they are awesome.

  5. Oh my goodness! Your studio is beautiful, like working inside a rainbow. Love all the colors.
    Great post.
