Friday, June 26, 2009

Fab Friday Finds

Today's find is from one of my gallery artists Candy Gallant... she sells 'creatures' under the name Sweet & Sour Gargoyles . Candy does both thrown clay figures in her home studio Crooked Barn Pottery ... Here's a couple of her gargirls... as well she also does tiny fimo frogs and dragons perched on rocks and other found objects....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Meet Madeline I needle felted her a couple of years ago .. she's my gallery mannequin!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fab Friday Finds

Todays' fab finds are from other members of my etsy groups... First is Fire Diva's

This is Frankie the Weiner Dog from May Beads

2nd Sateam (stands for Starving artist team... I know all about being a starving artist since I've been doing glass full time now for over 20 years!)

This is called Flight of Fancy

my 3rd team is the CGGE Team Creative glass guild

this is a glass brooch called Diva Michelle done by Nivenglassoriginals

And last but not least is the ABSteam Artisan Beaders Street Team This is a necklace done by Patty of BrokenTeePeeDesigns... If you feel the need to buy me something this would be entirely acceptable!

it's call Summertime

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

These are growing wild just up the road.....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

New look blog

I was cruising around on the Fire Divas site today one of the etsy groups I belong too ... and found a tutorial written by Haley of Envision on how to change the width of my blog
Once I had the blog wider... why not change the colour...

Comments? Or should I go back to the old uninspired blue.... And I finally have visible links... !

Friday, June 12, 2009

Rainy Friday....

Before we moved to NB I used to do a lot of architectural glass.... this piece is called on the fault line and has been living in a box in our garage for at least 9 years.... G is acting as VANA in the picture... Our driveway is at a steep angle and there is always a 'breeze' here so I wouldn't let G let go!... To quote the natives when we have near hurricane force winds... it's "Breezin' up a Bit"

One of the local galleries was looking for some bigger pieces so I thought this might as well spend the summer in St Andrews... but I wanted to check to see if it was OK first....

The fish are fused first then leaded in place... G & I did the woodwork....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Latest statement in summer fashion.....

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Still yet more animals

Old MacDonald has been really busy finding new animals for his farm... since it is located in the
Bay of Fundy he thought he needed a Puffin & a fish ... ( since most of the farming around here is fish farming... ) One of the local frogs is busy hopping around checking out all the new animals...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

More animals for "Old MacDonald"

For those of you who read yesterdays comments you will notice that there is a comment from a goat named Pricilla... she lives at the Happy Goat Farm in Montana... and her farm has been infested with CHICKENS!!! Poor Pricilla was most insulted that I would make chickens before I made goats.... I actually already had the goat in the kiln when she was complaining yesterday, however I'm not sure she will be pleased with the fact that I made Michael (her son) first ... as, I'm sure she figures that she is the most beautiful goat on the farm and I should be immortalizing her!

After all it is her milk that is used to make the Happy Goat Soap. And yes I realize that the horns are a bit wonky...

The wooden table was not a good background for my two tone lauscha glass pig.... (the glass is actually one of their Tri Colors....)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Old MacDonald's Farm

I have a knitted- felted red hat that I made a felted flower for... I thought the flower needed a button... I made a red and black flower for the hat... didn't like it... A couple of days ago I decided that a chicken would look nice.... well who can just make one chicken... I now have 3 chickens, 1 sheep, and a turtle... today Old Mac may get a pig to add to his/ her farm..

And yes on this farm all animals are exactly the same size!

Actually the sheep does have an eye but it's on the other side...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Zoom Zoom sleeping on the stairs... he sleeps on the top one during the night....