Friday, June 12, 2009

Rainy Friday....

Before we moved to NB I used to do a lot of architectural glass.... this piece is called on the fault line and has been living in a box in our garage for at least 9 years.... G is acting as VANA in the picture... Our driveway is at a steep angle and there is always a 'breeze' here so I wouldn't let G let go!... To quote the natives when we have near hurricane force winds... it's "Breezin' up a Bit"

One of the local galleries was looking for some bigger pieces so I thought this might as well spend the summer in St Andrews... but I wanted to check to see if it was OK first....

The fish are fused first then leaded in place... G & I did the woodwork....


  1. It's beautiful. I can see it in a large open lofty kind of space. Or a woody kind of yurt. Want to ship it my way. Heh heh.

  2. Sure I was thinking of putting it on Etsy but figured the $1000 bucks for shipping might be a turn off for some people!

  3. You have been awarded "The Lovely Blog Award"

  4. amazing piece - and Vanna's not bad either...!

  5. Vana wants your phone number elsiee!

  6. it's a beautiful piece. I want one {:-D
