Sunday, June 14, 2009

New look blog

I was cruising around on the Fire Divas site today one of the etsy groups I belong too ... and found a tutorial written by Haley of Envision on how to change the width of my blog
Once I had the blog wider... why not change the colour...

Comments? Or should I go back to the old uninspired blue.... And I finally have visible links... !


  1. I have a 3-column blog, and enjoy the journal-type look and available space for gadgets and all on the sides. I guess having 2-columns allows for larger pics...

  2. I have a three column also. Sometimes I think it looks really crowded but I think it is because the space between the columns needs to be increased. I need to take time to figure it out, I guess. But Islandgirl, I think the new look is great!

  3. I am useless with tech stuff. I can't say I care for the grey. Reminds me of winter here...grey, grey, grey. But other than that all the extra space is spiffy. I like the fire divas logo. Very hot!
