Friday, June 5, 2009

Old MacDonald's Farm

I have a knitted- felted red hat that I made a felted flower for... I thought the flower needed a button... I made a red and black flower for the hat... didn't like it... A couple of days ago I decided that a chicken would look nice.... well who can just make one chicken... I now have 3 chickens, 1 sheep, and a turtle... today Old Mac may get a pig to add to his/ her farm..

And yes on this farm all animals are exactly the same size!

Actually the sheep does have an eye but it's on the other side...


  1. When in doubt, make a chicken. That's actually the unofficial motto of the Alaska Bead Society.

    You are now an unofficial member!

  2. I am officially insulted....I see no goat!

  3. The goat is in the kiln as I type... But I used Michael as a model... will you forgive me? You don't have horns... not that I did a good job on the horns....
