Friday, June 19, 2009

Fab Friday Finds

Todays' fab finds are from other members of my etsy groups... First is Fire Diva's

This is Frankie the Weiner Dog from May Beads

2nd Sateam (stands for Starving artist team... I know all about being a starving artist since I've been doing glass full time now for over 20 years!)

This is called Flight of Fancy

my 3rd team is the CGGE Team Creative glass guild

this is a glass brooch called Diva Michelle done by Nivenglassoriginals

And last but not least is the ABSteam Artisan Beaders Street Team This is a necklace done by Patty of BrokenTeePeeDesigns... If you feel the need to buy me something this would be entirely acceptable!

it's call Summertime


  1. Thanks so much, Lynne! These are great finds - I love the brooch!

  2. heh heh. Still lovin' that necklace, eh?

    I like the weiner dog!

    Thanks for showcasing my piece and all the other lovelies.

  3. Great picks Lynne! The weiner dog is so cute and Patty's necklace ... well, I think it would look great on me!

  4. wow! great pieces! They all show a unique personality!
