Saturday, August 23, 2014

week 34 ~ About the Ground

Maybe some of these flowers aren't really about the ground  for some reason my poppies didn't grow this year.. this is what the deer left me!

More flowers and Bee
What I spent my week doing  For some reason I twist the 'first' row (odd count peyote) and spend hours ripping things out or just cutting the threads...  Finished with NO TWIST!

To see what other people saw about the ground follow the Linkz link....


  1. Now I can see why you made that comment about the deer to Beti - too funny. For that first row of peyote, Once I complete it, I put a quilt pin to hold it steady so the rows don't twist - just for a couple more rows until the piece stabilizes. Put a plastic earring back on the pointy end so you don't scratch yourself! Everyone says peyote is such an easy stitch but it gave me fits when I was first learning it. Beautiful flowers!

  2. Beautiful blooms - glad the deer at least left you these beauties :)

  3. now you know what flowers the deer won't eat. Your garden is still lovely.

  4. Glad the deer left you these - they are beautiful!! And they come from the ground, I think they totally count! :-)I lik e your necklace - the black and white is awesome with that pop of red in the middle - super!

  5. Lovely flowers. Looks like the deer did leave you some lovely ones....

  6. Well, you still have some beautiful bright flowers!
