Saturday, August 16, 2014

week 33 ~ The view of above

Sunday night after supper it rained... then we had a lovely rainbow  Monday morning I checked the prompt.. Luckily I took the picture Sunday night because the view of above most of the rest of the week has been white... didn't even have a fake sunset or a lovely sunrise.... Just fog...

Tto see what other peope saw this week click on the Inlinkz. link...


  1. Great rainbow shot! Sometimes those are so hard capture - yours is beautiful!

  2. Perfect timing for this week's prompt! It's always magical to see a rainbow :)

  3. Glad you had a little color to your otherwise white week. I always have to run and get the camera when I see a rainbow. Yours was beautiful!

  4. beautiful rainbow! I never seem to be able to capture them

  5. I love rainbows but lately it hasn't rained for a while. Great photos.

  6. I have to echo Alice. Rainbows are pretty scarce around here too lately. I do love them. Lovely pics, Lynne.
