Saturday, August 30, 2014

week 35 ~ lazy days of summer

Today is my birthday....

View of the yard.. everything is still green!

Playing...  flat lapping these beads then etching them.. made them some friends yesterday......
Need a gallery stock picture for a provincial online web site, selection of pottery and one of my bracelets...

Always hated the timing of my birthday... end of summer and back too school.. now it's just the end of summer and endless cold gloomy days too look forward too!

To see how other people look at the lazy days of summer click on the following link!


  1. Doesn't look like you have been lazy at all. Enjoy your birthday, and the last lazy days.

  2. Happy birthday!! Love the creations in the last shot - especially that lovely mug!!
    Enjoy your special day :)

  3. lots of good stuff going on for you.
    Happy Birthday!

  4. Those glass beads look amazing in the summer light. Happy birthday xxx

  5. Yay! Happy birthday to you! Well my birthday is right around the corner so we are sisters of the zodiac. Love the beads and your art-scape shot.

  6. Happy Birthday!!!! I love all the pretty colors in your work. I'm trying not to think about summer ending. Kind of hard to do when all the stores have the fall, halloween and Thanksgiving stuff out!

  7. Happy Birthday (late - sorry about that) To YOU!! Those beads are yummy and fun. I hope it doesn't get too cold too soon for you and you can enjoy the days/weeks after your birthday for awhile!!
