Friday, November 15, 2013

Week 46 Reflections

Week 46   Reflections
Lobster season officially started on Tuesday... however our weather on Monday and  Tuesday was not conducive to being out in small boats....  We were watching these traps being loaded onto a scow on Wednesday morning... I had no sooner come into the house after taking this picture when a squall blew through! 
This was suppose to be longer but my ethernet card (connection to the internet) fried about the time I was going to write this...  So I'm using a tiny laptop... after trying to get my other computer to work for the last couple of hours!  So I'm reflecting on life before the internet....


  1. Oh no I hope your internet comes back! I really like your photo and glad you were able to get at least a short post up.

  2. Nothing more frustrating than computer problems. Great photo

  3. Oh my, everyone has been talking about internet/techno problems - us too - this entire week. Retrograde ended and then it just hit like one of those squalls! I do like your photo and the reflection of the water actually - and the meaning behind your post, too! :-)

  4. Oh my gosh - was there life before the Internet? How lucky we all are to have experienced the before and after. I am sorry to hear about your tech issues - hopefully they will be quickly resolved.

  5. Funny Lynne- hope your reflections went well. Do you catch lobster yourself? We used to go crabbing when I was a kid- didn't even have to go out in a boat for that!

  6. LOL...WAS there life before the internet?? I know I feel like my right arm's been chopped off when ours is out. Good reflection!!

  7. On not, that's not good! Thanks for sharing the shot, I hope we get to see more about lobster season!

  8. Great photo Lynn.Reflecting on before the internet is a good way to look at it. What a difference it has made in all of our lives.

  9. I don't mean to laugh but it was kind of funny reading. It's hard going without the internet these days.

  10. Pretty reflections on the water, and your post is spot on! When technology is working smoothly, we tend to indulge in a bit of "remember when," But when something goes wrong...we certainly miss it!

  11. What a wonderful photo. It truly brought all kinds of thoughts to mind of the people not seen but seen in it. Glad the Internet gives us a chance to share it. Thank you

  12. Don't you hate it when technology fails - ggrrr!
    Great post, though, and I just love lobster :)
    Thank you for stopping by already and for leaving a lovely comment - sorry, I'm really late replying... But I HAVE just made it before the next FoL post :)
