Friday, November 22, 2013


Focus on life.....  Only 5 more weeks of prompts before I have to come up with my own ideas of what to write and photograph every week!   The 'Focus on Life' blog post could easily make it as the focus of my week... so not sure what I'll do next year... who's going to take over when Sally's done?  

Here's a look at what I think of when I hear Centerpiece.......
Top picture is the dining room table...  which I cleaned off Sunday before I got Sally's prompt... Hasn't been totally usable since my 50thy birthday (2006)  Unreliable Internet is causing all sorts of surfaces I haven't seen in years to be found!) Bottom image is kitchen table... meet Stanley He's the resident scare-crow and is very quick to point out that there hasn't been a single crow dead or alive in the house in the 4 years since he took up residence... in spite of lack of crows his plants aren't very healthy! (as per most artists there is both a bottle of weld bond and a tube of silicon on the table!  There was also a spiders web this morning going from the salt grinder to the light fixture... I used the salt last night at supper!)

But here's what I think of when I apply Sally's definition
 The central most important feature of my day... 

This picture was taken Christmas Day 2008.. normally I spend an hour reading in the hot tub after supper.. unless it's raining haven't figured out how to keep the book dry when it's raining ... or if it's too windy  my hands freeze.  Love watching the moon rising and the clouds in the evening
You'll have to settle for a day time view from the hot tub... actually lying down on the deck trying to get the angle I would have if I'd been in the hot tub....
No I don't have my computer back... my house is getting clean!  My laptop...puts words anywhere any everywhere goes on and off line and is thouroughly annoying... One hour a day is all I can handle!

To see other people's 'centerpieces' click on the links below!


  1. oh that looks like a very nice place to be! love the hot tub!

  2. Love it! Would LOVE to have a hot tub, yours in particular with that view...but the upkeep and expense must be enormous. Enjoy one for me!
    My centrepiece tonight might just be the fireplace in the living's miserable outside and we are forecast to get 4" of snow or so overnight.

  3. I had to laugh when I read your comment about not seeing the top of your dining table sine 2006. I can relate. Reading in the hot tub sounds fun.

  4. Great post! I am also trying to reveal surfaces, at least by the time my son comes home on leave at Christmas! The hot tub looks sublime!

  5. I'm diggin that hot tub right now! It's 22*, snowing and a 20 mph wind! Yikes!

  6. Wow! I've never been in a hot tub, but it always looks fantastic! Great post for this week's prompt :)

  7. Love the hot tub that would definitely be a centerpiece in my house if I had one!

  8. That's the perfect place to relax and unwind! Except I think I'd freeze if there was actually snow like in your pic and I couldn't handle the heat for an entire hour either! LOL!! ;-) Oh - and your view - amazing!!

  9. Looks awfully comfortable to me! I'm so glad it's not just me that gets piles of stuff going and years go by. :-)

  10. Lynn your hot tub looks like a wonderful place to be. What a wonderful view. I can sure relate to the messy table. Mine always has stuff on it too.

  11. I agree with everyone else...the hot tub has it hands down! I could SOOOO see myself doing the same thing....PS...make an umbrella for your
