Friday, November 1, 2013

Week 44~ Saints, Souls, Sugar Skulls and Scares

Focus on Life: 8 weeks left until 2014 is over... Where has the year gone.. Have I posted even once this year where Sally Russick  didn't give me the prompt... what will happen to my blog next year? Now that is really SCARY!
Peter peaking over the shrubs, We've had him for about 10  years... he was vandalized once by humans and once by deer...  It's really hard to sew patches onto a giant pumpkin!

Peter and the Punks... the punks get to stay out until Christams I bought them santa hats at the $ store  My son thinks I'm totally weird!

I actually made these beads last year...
Should make more as they are fun to make!

Hey mommy this is a Hallowe'en blog... don't forget me!
Little Miss helpful ... just doing her job!

To see how other people interpreted this weeks pormpt click on the following links!


  1. Oh, I love your post and pictures! My son thinks I'm weird too - but I like your idea of Christmas hats on the little pumpkins :) Ooh, those beads are delicious... and I am not one for skulls... but they're happy and charming! You should definitely make more (and sell them too :) ).
    Hehe, we had a little black cat following us last night while trick-or-treating, it was a bit spooky, albeit funny!

  2. I love the beads - so happy and colorful for skulls.

    There is no photo challenge next year?

  3. Your pumpkins are great! and I love the sugar skull beads - those are really fun!

  4. Love the punks, I bet they look very cute for Christmas! Great idea, really.

  5. Love you post! Especially Little Miss Helpful. Great!

  6. I am amazed that your pumpkin has lasted so long. It's a testament to your wonderful pumpkin nurturing skills. Love, LOVE those beads! Personally, I think it's the highest of compliments when our children think we are crazy. You have much company in that department!

  7. LOL I had the same thought this week about my blog without Sally's input! Love the picture of your gorgeous helper...I think I've mentioned before how like my (now gone) Hershey he/she is. The sugar skulls are great! Definitely some more are required, I think...
    And PS...ALL of our sons think we are weird....

  8. Perfect photos! I love your giant pumpkin - awesome. And those sugar skull beads - S.W.E.E.T.!! And the black kitty w/the skulls - classic!! I think it's fun you put Santa hats on the pumpkins. ;-) Oh - and yes - what are we gonna do next year? My blog will be blank!!!

  9. Great beads. I put Christmas hats on lots of stuff. I have a walking cane with a snake head on it. I made him a Santa suit and hat.

  10. Love our sugar skulls! I'm not really into them, but these are pretty.

  11. I love your decorations and your handmade skulls!!!! I love Halloween but didn't decorate this year as our kids are grown.

  12. WOW - your pumpkin has lasted a LONG time and what a survivor! :-) We picked up various vintage pumpkins this weekend while antiquing and will put them away for next year.
    Your skull set is amazing- you are one talented lady! Just love the picture with your kitty - Halloween wouldn't be the same without a black cat! :-)
