Friday, October 25, 2013

Week 43 - In the Shadows

Focus on Life  Week 43 of Sally Russick's weekly photo prompt!

"Only the Shadow Knows for Sure"   Sorry couldn't resist... If you recognize the quote your probably at least as old as me... (although the program was rerun in the 80's which is when I heard it!)

I went outside on Wednesday morning to take shadow pictures and realized after a few minutes that the most interesting shadow was the one that I was casting while I was taking pictures sitting on the steps!

I hate mornings in October... I want daylight savings time to end when it used to...  I don't care when it gets dark in the evening but I hate it still being dark at 8 am in October... Actually if you get right down to it I don't see the point of DST at all!  End rant!


  1. Agreed. DST is an antiquated idea. And I DO remember the ORIGINAL, so now you know how old I AM!

  2. perfectly captured shadow! I was just thinking about how much I hate getting up when it is still dark out - just doesn't seem right!

  3. I was thinking the same today, DST in November?!
    Love your shadow!

  4. Perfect shot! Don't worry you're not alone in your rant, I'm right there with you!

  5. I want my hour back too. I don't feel the need for it at this latitude. Ridiculous

  6. We are pretty much light by 7:30, but that doesn't help when I am usually out with the dog at 6:30! When DST is finally over, we get the light back for such a short time, then the Earth takes it away again! Great shadow!

  7. Love the is amazing what you can do with "shadows" Done right one could actually do a whole play with nothing but fact I remember seeing a play where they had a sheet in front of the performers and a light behind them and we just watched the shadows...

    And as for DST...I think it's time has come and gone...

  8. I hate to admit it but I am 'that old'..... Only the shadow knows how old.

    Your photo is wonderful. I love the contrast with the green grass. And I'm with you on the DLS.

  9. You're right....excellent shadow picture! I wish we'd had some sunshine this past week to MAKE shadows! Grey, grey, grey.
    And au contraire :-)....I LOVE DST, can't wait for it every year.

  10. In the 70's I used to listen to it before going to sleep. I loved to scare myself for some reason. Your imagination can really get going!

    Love your shadow - waiting for something. ;-)

  11. Ditto on the DST. I don't adjust well to the change. Catch myself doing goofy things for awhile.

  12. Another great shadow pic. DST, well, maybe I'm an oddity, I enjoy the extra light at the end of the day right now because that is the only time of day I have to take my dogs out for a run. Once it's dark, I can't do that.

  13. That is so neat! A photo of your shadow while taking a photo of your shadow.

  14. Lynne, you would fit right in in Arizona where we don't have DST. The only problem is no one ever knows what time it is since most everyone else changes. But I agree - I prefer it!

  15. Yep - I remember the Shadow! Love the shadow pic of yourself -that's pretty cool. AZ doesn't observe DST - we just sit tight and wait to change 'time-zones' - LOL!! I never know if I'm on CA time or CO time,'s almost more confusing this way.

  16. Finally getting round to replying...
    Great photo, and I'm with you - why change the clocks at all???
