Friday, August 23, 2013

week -34 'Add Something' !

 Focus on life... week 34 My photo editing sucks... I know how to crop.... I tripped over this program a couple of months ago It's actually a program that removes things....  so I took last weeks picture of Ellie Mae
 Removed the background.......
 Reloaded that image and removed the cat

Then I tried to turn the cat green... that was my add something... This is what I ended up with!


I also removed the background from one of last weeks lilies  It was really quite difficult to get the 'stamen' that is off the lily to be connected to the lily.  (Technically it is the anther that was floating in air and I had to rebuild the filament)
I did try the program on some chain maille & Crystal jewellery... That was a big mess!

To see what other creative photo editing has been going on this week click on the following links!


  1. I love the kitty floating in the blue sky best :)
    Love your work with the lily - just wonderful!
    Have a great week :)

  2. Mine suck too, glad I'm not the only one! I still only have photoshop elements 4 on my computer, LOL! These are great, I love the flower!

  3. The lily looks lovely on the grey background

  4. Oops or not, those are all pretty cool if you ask me! And your kitty is gorgeous!!! That lily is really pretty.

  5. I liked the all black picture with the outline of the kitty.

  6. Fantastic editing options!! I'll have to check out the site.

    Thanks to your kitty for posing!

  7. Hi Lynne - I think your editing is super. Have never heard of clippingmagic - it's amazing how many different editing sites there are out there. I don't think you should worry about editing since your photos are always so great!

  8. oh that is really cool! My program just pulls out a light colored background, but doesn't do it all around the image like this - love that!

  9. Love you cat edits!! Looks like a fun program, will have to go and check it out - thanks!

  10. Hmmm...Lynne, I'll have to try that one; I haven't had much success clipping things out of things, although I certainly have tried! Have you tried It's kind of fun!
