Friday, August 16, 2013

week 33 - In Season

Focus on life week 33...

Hi... my name is Ellie-Mae and I think I deserve equal billing with my Unkie Emm... who I'm sure you all remember from last week..  I look after the lilies... Ok maybe that white one in the bottom corner didn't start life as a spider lily, but I think bug chewed is kind of a neat effect. (...and mommy says the red one in the middle is a hollyhock... , how should I know that It's just a tall palnt that's fun to bat!)

My mommy tried to grow some tomatoes... isn't that the most pathatic  tomatoe plant you've ever seen!  There was also lettuce planted the bugs ate it as soon as it stuck it's little green leaves above ground!

To see what other people think is in season click on the links below... I actually think that this is mouse season but I wasn't allowed to upload my pictures of the dead mice that I/we leave in pieces all over the deck and driveway!


  1. oh what a pretty kitty! no doubt all those floppy flowers are fun to bat! hope you got at least a handful of tomatoes for a harvest - ha!

  2. That poor tomato plant! ; ) Our neighbors did horrible this year and ours so far are doing great. No red ones yet though and time is running out!

  3. LOL - love your post,...well, the kitty's post. That's one smart, and very beautiful cat! sorry about your plants,...darn bugs!

  4. My kitties want to know if Ellie-Mae has a special keyboard that allows her to compose such interesting posts! The tomato plant had me chuckling - it looks like something from my past attempts at gardening!

  5. Ellie-Mae, I think it is completely unfair of Mommy to forbid the pics of mice you were kind enough to catch for her!

  6. Beautiful kitty!!! Looks like she runs the place...

    I'v tried planting a vegetable gardnen several times and nothing good came from it. So now I just beg stuff from my father-in-law as he's been at it for many years.

  7. Great insight for a kitty! Pretty flowers, and pretty kitty, too!

  8. LOL - your cat has lovely thoughts, please thank her for so kindly sharing them with us :)
    Last 2 years I had wonderful tomatoes, this year not so much - the weather seemed to have killed them. And salad I refuse to plant anymore, we have bunnies and they eat them to the root (along with the lilies and some other plants, we learn of new ones every year :) )

  9. I think I have said it before, but your cat looks just like my Moonie Poe. Your kitty looks well loved.

  10. look at your beautiful kitty-cat surrounded by exquisite flowers! shame about the tomato plant :(
    thanks for stopping by already - the weekend just got away from me, and it's already Monday afternoon - eeek!!!

  11. Sorry about your tomato plant, but Ellie-Mae is awfully cute!!
