Friday, August 30, 2013

Week - 35 'Growth & Change'

Focus on life week 35

 (exactly 2/3 of the way through for anyone who is keeping track!)
I found this week difficult but then I didn't remember that we had a choice....  My counter tops were installed this week,  ... so I'm focusing on change!  I've had mismatched plywood for the last 6 weeks.. I was beginning to like them... I could do anything I wanted to on them ... however they have been replaced with granite and our original butcher block counter was stripped and refinished.  In the 12 years we lived here the butcher block counter never really dried the varnish was always tacky and anything that was paper and placed on it had to be scraped off if it was left there for more than a couple of days! (Think it was 10 or 15 years old when we moved in!)
This is the wall that was full of garbage

Stove -with  'sexy' range hood... beside the window! With a small piece of the butcher block counter showing.

Original cupboards... lathe and plaster half wall & Thomasina the third cat.....she matches the kitchen so well!

Same angle this morning... with new granite counter tops.

Here's growth... very pretty but not purple yet! 
Spending too much energy making huge leaves!

Click on the links below to see what other 'changes' people are undergoing!


  1. wow! you've really been working away! looks fantastic

  2. You're always busy! Looks like some great changes in store.

  3. Love your new counter top. I bet you are pleased with this change.

  4. Sure you are loving your "new kitchen". It looks great. Waiting here for the day I can show off mine too!

  5. I'm sure you'll enjoy your new counter tops for years to come!! Great interpretation of this week's prompt :)

  6. Enjoy your new environment - change indeed!

  7. Wow, it looks amazing, Lynne! I LOVE that window, and the range hood is indeed sleek and "sexy" lol.
    Enjoy your new kitchen!

  8. Lynn what a wonderful way to show growth and change. I bet after 12 years you are really pleased to finally have your new kitchen.

  9. Beautiful pictures of your kitchen growth - love what you did with it (I will not be tempted... I will not be tempted... I will not... LOL)
    I bet the grapes will be yummy very soon - enjoy them on the new granite counter tops :)

  10. Great changes. I'd love new countertops, mine are cracked old tiles. Ugh....enjoy your new ones!

  11. Like the sexy in the kitchen, LOL. Don't hear that too often!

  12. Remodeling is so exciting as long as someone else does it for me. Love that wonderful range hood!!!

  13. I'm with Alice, remodeling is great if I am not doing it! Love that window....took me a few to realize it was a window. Thought it was a mirror....(yeah, I'm blonde) Thanks for a great post.

  14. Lots changes happening in your surrounding! The window, that stove, the hood look wonderful. What a beautiful spot to cook within. And matching kitty will blend right in.

  15. Lots of changes - and they're coming along so beautifully! I cannot believe how big that leaf is - grow, grow, grown!!
