Friday, May 3, 2013

Week 18 Abstract Photography

Focus on Life week 18....  Sally suggested that we google abstract photography.. this was my "first hit"...  I'm seeing close up macro I think collaging random shaped chunks of photographs would make a neat abstract photo too... but that's beyond my limited photodestructive capabilities!

So here we go

Palm tree... my goal in life is too live somewhere that palm trees can be grown outside....

But for now I'll have to settle for the indoor variety....

Took quite a few pictures of beads... only to discover that I am a horrible housekeeper and all you could see was dust...
This orchid currently has two flower stocks... the most recent one is a different colour...
Yesterday for a change was totally calm.. so I couldn't resist throwing in a picture I took of one of the government fishing wharves.
I'm not sure if I've actually captured the theme of abstract photography... to see how other people interpreted this weeks prompt check out sally's blog! 


  1. Oh I love that first palm picture! Very cool.

  2. I had to giggle at your comment about seeing dust. :) It is a darn good thing we are not allergy prone around our house!

  3. Love the palm tree and what you did with it!

  4. love the palm photo! but having lived in California for 3 years, I don't really rate palm trees... I was desperate for proper, deciduous trees! love the indoor variety, though :)

  5. Love the form and line in the last picture.

  6. The warf picture is terrific. BTW palm trees have been in my life for the past 15 years, and although I love them, still can't get use to Christmas lights being strung on them.

  7. I'm not sure I got this assignment either, but I do believe your first photo fits the bill. Great photos!!!

  8. Around here one must add cat hair and hay to the dust.

    I suppose then you won't be relocating to Montana. heh

  9. Great abstracts! I really love the palm tree collage and the flower one is not only a great abstract but the color is awesome!

  10. I see no dust! The palm tree is very cool, especially the black and white version. Like looking at like through its fronds.

  11. Those are great. I love the palm trees. The lines and color are fantastic.

  12. We have lots of palm trees in Israel! I like them partly because green parrots live in them. And I love getting a shot of the fronds from underneath, branching out to the sky.

  13. The palm tree pics are great. The reflected wharf pic is outstanding.

  14. I really like how you did all this images in a group like that. At first glance I thought they were different color filters and some in black and white. But it looks like it's just different shots. Great job!

  15. I love the palm tree shot...very abstract! And the wharf too!

  16. Honestly, I don't see the dust. I think I have an internal filter to not see it. I hate dusting since I'm so allergic to it so I just tend to try to overlook the stuff as long as I can. ;)
    Oh, and I dig your photos. Very nice!

  17. I think you did a great job with the prompt! Love the palms picture....and we share a desire to live where they grow! Must be a Canadian thing LOL

  18. I love your palm trees! I agree, to live somewhere where you could see them all the time would rock.

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