Friday, May 10, 2013

Week 19 HOPE

Focus on life week 19... HOPE... it's spring I hope that I have a lovely garden... as you can see my 'spring' flowers are off to a good start... Aren't they lovely!
 We also seem to have hit fog season... but when it's not foggy the black flies are out and biting, so do I want my eyes swollen shut or damp cold days....
Since I own a seasonal gallery what I am actually hoping for, is that we will have lovely weather and that lots of tourists will stray onto my island!

Check out Sally's blog to see what other people "hope for!"


  1. Pricilla hopes she can come help you weed

  2. Well, now we all know what a green thumb you have. May your "crop" not grow and prosper! But may you have a very successful season.

  3. I see tourist stuff during the season and I always hope for good weather.

  4. I hope and pray that you have many tourists this year as well!

  5. Let those dandelions grow! They are said to be a very important food source for honey bees. So keep 'em around for a while!

  6. I agree with Beti. Dandelions are good to eat too. Just sayin'. :) May you have a full and busy season.

  7. Our flower garden is looking very sad but our crop of dandelions is flourishing. I'm sure the neighbors are not happy, but we are helping the bees.....

    Great photos! I'm hoping for good weather coming your way.

  8. Lynne I hope you have a great season this year. Your pics are great.My dandelions aren't flowering yet but my lilies grew 3" in two days, yeah!

  9. Fingers crossed in hope for your gallery season.

  10. crossing my fingers for you to have an awesome tourist season - and no flies!! Great photos - especially the fog one - that's just very cool!

  11. Best wishes for a busy busy tourist season! I'm hoping for you! ; )

  12. I am a sunshine person myself but there is something nice about cooler days too. Vancouver Island gets so much fog and rain during the winter that I tend to stay away. Good luck on a busy season.

  13. Oh bring on the sun to make for happy spendy tourists!! My hope for you friend :) Quote from Averleigh a couple of days ago when I said something about all the dandelions "S'ok mama, Grandma has LOTS of yellow flowers too"

  14. Oh Lynne, I wish I could wander onto your island- I'd love to see it! I'm hoping for something more fun than dandelions in your garden!

  15. lovely! your flowers are very sunny and happy!! we get lots of black flies up in the Adirondacks and they are such a drag! I know what you mean about getting bit by those buggers. Hope you get to avoid the whole black-fly season! now that would be something
