Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy & Safe New Year!

I've been strangely silent recently, last week we got 6 inches of rain out of two storms two days apart... we then had four days of nice weather than got back to back snow storms... we just had enought time to shovel the first 12 inches of snow when the second storm hit.  I tried to go make beads yesterday and couldn't push my way through the snow to the studio....

A duck in the front yard!
What I've been spending my time doing when the cat allows me near the table and no he isn't allowed on the table and he knows it! 

Happy New Year

 Best Wishes for 2013

1 comment:

  1. We've had snow everyday for about 10 days but it's not accumulating to much - maybe 6-7" all told. Stay warm! Happy New Year
