Saturday, December 15, 2012

2nd Annual Ornament Swap Blog Hop

Thanks to Sally Russick of Studio Sublime for hosting this! 

This is the polymer clay stocking I got from my partner Tiffany, isn't it pretty? .... Tiffany's stocking  is now hanging proudly on my wonky crooked tree.  I actually think this is the first ornament that someone made for me... I have lots of handmade ornaments but either I bought them or I made them.  This is Tiffiany's link Tiffany Smith

My husband refuses to do more than throw the lights at the tree when it comes to decorating so I get to handle all my ornaments and remember their stories twice a year... &  I  think I did a really good job with this photograph.... !

Check out the other hand made ornaments that were swapped!


D. Lynne Bowland          You are here!

Kristi Jaro

Sorry I set the uplaod time for 1:30 pm not am I'm here now!


  1. I hate putting the tree up - I hate putting the lights on - but, I LOVE adding the ornaments! This is beautiful! What better way to adorn your tree than with a Christmas Stocking! Merry Christmas!

  2. I get my husband to do the lights then all I have to do is the ornaments... This was a fun swap!

  3. I'm with you, I love handling my ornaments, remembering their stories. That is such a beautiful ornament, and it looks like metal! What a great addition to your collection.

  4. What a gorgeous ornament. I know you will cherish it for years to come.

    My husband has gotten a Bah Humbug attitude for decorating and now it is up to me to get it all done. Needless to say, we haven't had lights outside now for a couple years. Maybe I just need to pay someone to do that for me. Like you, I love putting each ornament on the tree and remembering the story behind each one.

  5. My husband stops at put the tree in the holder and making sure it's straight. The rest is up too me. :)

    I can't believe that Tiffany made the ornament out of polymer clay! It looks like one of those old fashion pewter ornaments! Beautiful!

    D.Lynne, I am so thrilled you were able to participate in the swap/hop. Wishing you a Christmas filled in peace and love!

  6. I love this ornament! So sweet and so Christmas with its colors. I love reminiscing as I put the ornaments up and take them off. My husband's job is to curse while he puts the tree up :-)

  7. "remember the stories twice a year" I love that image! I feel the same way. I have to admire and touch and hold the memories of each ornament twice, once when I put it on and once when I take it down. This is a beautiful stocking and I bet it looks great on your tree! Enjoy the day. Erin

  8. what a pretty ornament! my husband is the same ... he's a 'lights only' kind of guy ... bah humbug

  9. I buy fridge magenets and Christmas ornaments when we travel.. I think my husband wishes that I cleaned the fridge off once or twice a year too!

  10. Tell her you need more! What fun these would be to have all over the tree! These clay people are making me want to be creative today. Beautiful!

  11. That's such a great ornament! I finally got a fake tree and it is already lighted, so I don't have to deal with that! I do love what you said about remembering the stories of the ornaments as you put them on the tree! Your ornament is beautiful!

  12. It's gorgeous. Our tree is coming in today

  13. What a great ornament! I love the old fashion look to it ... beautiful!

  14. What a great fun design - love it.

  15. Lynne I had so much fun with this swap and am glad you likes your ornament. I love mine

  16. I love the Christmas stocking ornament. A perfect ornament to begin your collection of gifted ornaments. Wishing you a very happy holiday!

  17. The stocking ornament that you got from Tiffany has very kool designs impressed in it. I really love the green in the ornament that you sent her.I want to be part of this next year. for sure.

  18. Really cute! I like the color accents... I do our tree as well, that sounds familiar!

  19. Really wonderful ornament. Is it polymer clay or metal? The design is beautiful and festive.

    My husband's favorite part is decorating the tree. Unfortunately, our tree has 100 branches to attach in order to set it up so by the time we are done with the setup of the tree and lights, he has had enough. I told him that we can replace the tree anytime but he has to either donate the one we have or find a home for it. I refuse to put an object that size in a landfill (I am all for recycling)!

  20. It's Polymer clay... very light.... I just took one of those metal deer out of a neighbours garbage last week and decorated it with small bells and put it on the back deck. I must admit I snuck over after dark to adopt it!

  21. So seasonal and a perfect ornament for the tree! It's really nice! You both did wonderful!

  22. I am always amazed at the polymer creations, what a great stocking.

    Merry Christmas.
