Saturday, January 5, 2013

Week 1 - Focusing on Life~ 52 photos 1 photo a week

I joined Sally Russick's (The Studio Sublime) blog challenge 52 photos  1 photo a week...

Sally sends out hints  then we have 5 days to take or find the picture and post it

Week 1 - Photo Prompt - Self Portrait
This picture is totally uncropped!  Standing on the deck freezing my butt off New Years Day!

This one has all of my messy living and dining rooms cropped out of it...& I took the liberty of aging the photo...  I took this with my camera attached to my new toy, my quik pod !


  1. Love the crop tool, too!! Looks like a beautiful place you live in...I spent a few years on the water and really miss it! Your profile shot is gorgeous...I wish my hair was as thick and beautiful as yours is!!! Have a great week!

  2. Thanks! Wish it really was that colour! However the curls and body are wash & wear!

  3. Both of those are beautiful. You have some gorgeous scenery to look at. I love how your red hair stands out against the blue and white. I had to look up your quik pod .. What a great tool.

  4. Great photos! I love your beautiful thick hair!!! And the background in that first photo is fabulous!!!

  5. Love the out door shot! You have created two different but complimentary portraits.

  6. Your hair is drop dead GORGEOUS! Thick, red, wavy - GORGEOUS! Love the back drop in your first photo!!!

  7. Two great shots! You have the most wonderful hair!!!!

  8. Never smile... I look like an idiot when I smile! My mother always used to look at pictures of my sister and I ... "your sister has such a nice smile"

  9. Yeah - red hair :) Love it! I also love your backyard look out - awesome! Both are awesome pictures!

  10. Fabulous shots - love the edits in the second one - too cool. I'm in love with the water and boats behind you in the first shot,...even w/the freezing cold ice-cicles and snow! Brave you for standing out there!

  11. lovely photos.

    Nicole from

  12. Lovely shots.. Icicles! Looks like you live in a beautiful place... and I would love your nice luxurious hair!

  13. They're both beautiful. I bet your smile isn't nearly as bad as you think it is!

  14. Burr! The first photo is beautiful, but boy does it look cold!

    Love both shots and thanks for sharing the link to Quik Pod. How fun is that! :)

  15. Lynne, I can feel the chill in the air in the first picture! Both shots of you are wonderful, you captured such deep emotion in the second photo.

    I love your wavy hair!

    I had know idea you can't get a tripod for your phone! Very COOL!!

  16. I really like the photo effects you used on the second picture - very nice! I'm looking into getting a new camera and trying to figure out what 'toys' I want to include :)

  17. Fantastic scenery in that first shot! Both shots are lovely and it's so nice to see your face.

  18. I see a beautiful, thoughtful woman. Both pics are stunning.

  19. I can't imagine you not having a nice smile to go along with that gorgeous hair and beautiful view! Forget what we were told growing up this is our time to bloom now!

  20. I like how different each photo is; both tell a unique story. Your view looks fantastic too!

  21. Indoors and out, beautiful! I'm sure we will be seeing more of that beautiful landscape in the weeks ahead, looking forward to it

  22. Those are both lovely pictures of a lovely lady. Your view is to die for, but I'm not sure I could handle that kind of cold even with the fabulous view.
    Well done on the challenge!

  23. Fantastic shots, love the black and white, I know we are all glad that assignment is behind us!!

  24. Great photo Lynne. I cheated and used a photo someone else took of me. I think I better get a self portrait shot.
