Saturday, July 28, 2012

Jewelry Artisans Blog Carnival .... Jewellery with 'movement'

If you think about that title... most jewellery moves...  So what do I pick.... I've been playing around with enameled  pinwheels... since February, the first one I actually made properly with holes punched in all 4 'petals' as well as the center, that was amazingly difficult to do... lining  up all 5 holes and getting the headpin through them ugh... and then because the center pin was enameled in place it didn't spin..... so it was made like the toy but it didn't work.....
My eureka momment came when I realized enameled copper is not going to unfold so there is no need to pin the 'petals'... so now I have free wheeling pinwheel earrings... toys for ears!

I started making anticlastic copper bracelets last summer... these bracelets are so comfortable to wear... adding the silver spinner to them was an obvious progression... the silver wire is reclaimed silver scrap which I've melted and drawn back down to wire....
This is actually a fairly old bracelet I did a tutorial for glass line magazine on how to make the beads.... The beads are actually like an abacus in that they move back and forth on the small seed beads.. the shinny black beads act as stoppers for the big beads.

As you can tell I like to play with my jewellery!

Check out the other memebers of JAC who like jewellery with movement
Cat's Wire
Bead Sophisticate
Violet Moon
Nicole V

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Almost wordless Wednesday

Aren't these the neatest clouds!

& on my bead table this week I have my first attempts at the Korean technique Keum-boo  no pictures yet!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

ALmost wordless wednesday

I really liked the way the toggle on the bracelet in the previous post worked out... but I didn't think that the tiny holes that the jump rings went through looked finished so I inserted the world's tinniest eyelets into the holes to finish them... (nasty little things kept trying to run off!)

Anyone have a source for those tiny eyelets in black (1/16 by 3/32 long) I have rivets that size in black but not eylets! I don't mind the copper but would like black or sterling?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Playing around....

Saw someone elses version of the link bracelet on The Jewelery Artisans Comunity forum and discovered that it was in the July Lapidary Journal magazine which I just happen to have..The second bracelet is from the same magazine only it's done in brass there.... so made them both .... My donut is a piece of 3/4 inch plumbing pipe I didn't like the closure on the link one in the magazine so made an enamelled toggle

My rings are made from stripped 12 gauge electrical wire... my stock doesn't include wire that heavy!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Look what I found when I opened my new magazine!

I got this in the mail yesterday.. I've been subscribing to the magazine for just over 2 years now... but never really expected to see my blog being reviewed as the blog of the month... What's even better is that there are no mistakes in the bio Jo Tinley of Daisy Chain designs got everything right without my help, and I knew nothing about it... what a wonderfull way to start of a lovely summer weekend!

The cover of the August issue if your not familiar with the magazine! I really like the variety of work they carry!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Almost wordless Wednesday

This is actually new but I was taking pictures of it this week for a chunky jewellery challenge! I just love the bright enameled beads with the sterling!
My Clematis is very happy this year!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I decided to join an on-line knit along....

This is the pattern graph all taped together....  It's knit from the top down... I've made it to the 5th row.. I'm well behind most of the people as I joined late and just got my yarn yesterday... pictures of the WIP will follow!  (i'm knitting the smallest size which is the red lines)

The KAL is for 'the pan-am jacket' which if it works should be pretty!  This is the picture from the front of the pattern... you can download it from interweave or find it in the winter 2011 Interweave knits magazine....

Mine will be purple I'm thinking about making the bands red.....

Thursday, July 5, 2012

More enamels....

I decided that I needed to make pinwheels that spin not just ones that are stuck as static components in a piece of jewellery....... 
I got a set of water colour enamels last week with my enamel order...   It's not really like painting with normal water colours as you fire between layers....  the 'painting' is suppose to be of my husbands boat out in the cove .  Guess I need to PPP!

Monday, July 2, 2012

My new enameled rose.....