Wednesday, July 18, 2012

ALmost wordless wednesday

I really liked the way the toggle on the bracelet in the previous post worked out... but I didn't think that the tiny holes that the jump rings went through looked finished so I inserted the world's tinniest eyelets into the holes to finish them... (nasty little things kept trying to run off!)

Anyone have a source for those tiny eyelets in black (1/16 by 3/32 long) I have rivets that size in black but not eylets! I don't mind the copper but would like black or sterling?


  1. Those little eyelets are the perfect finishing touch - do you mind if I ask where the heck you found them? I don't care if they're copper, silver or black, I love them!

  2. Gee, I'm dumb, it didn't even occur to me that they were rivet eyelets. Duh!
    Rings & Things have black and sterling.
