Saturday, July 28, 2012

Jewelry Artisans Blog Carnival .... Jewellery with 'movement'

If you think about that title... most jewellery moves...  So what do I pick.... I've been playing around with enameled  pinwheels... since February, the first one I actually made properly with holes punched in all 4 'petals' as well as the center, that was amazingly difficult to do... lining  up all 5 holes and getting the headpin through them ugh... and then because the center pin was enameled in place it didn't spin..... so it was made like the toy but it didn't work.....
My eureka momment came when I realized enameled copper is not going to unfold so there is no need to pin the 'petals'... so now I have free wheeling pinwheel earrings... toys for ears!

I started making anticlastic copper bracelets last summer... these bracelets are so comfortable to wear... adding the silver spinner to them was an obvious progression... the silver wire is reclaimed silver scrap which I've melted and drawn back down to wire....
This is actually a fairly old bracelet I did a tutorial for glass line magazine on how to make the beads.... The beads are actually like an abacus in that they move back and forth on the small seed beads.. the shinny black beads act as stoppers for the big beads.

As you can tell I like to play with my jewellery!

Check out the other memebers of JAC who like jewellery with movement
Cat's Wire
Bead Sophisticate
Violet Moon
Nicole V


  1. Very nice work on all. I especially like the copper bracelet...maybe because my arthritis is kicking up. :)

  2. What fun! The pinwheel earrings are adorable!!

  3. Love those pinwheels Lynne takes me right back lol.

  4. I agree, the pinwheels are cool.

  5. I love those pinwheels, they are so clever. And I've been thinking of dabbling in enamel too, so this is inspiring! Your anticlastic spinner bracelet is another great example of movement.

  6. Thanks everyone... checked out everyones site... It's interesting all the different ideas people come up with given the same topic!

  7. Great examples of movement in jewelry, Lynne. Love the pinwheels - what a clever idea!

  8. Great idea them pinwheels.

    I couldn't stop looking at them when I was a child.
    Always made me wonder then how or where they got their movement. :)
