Saturday, July 14, 2012

Look what I found when I opened my new magazine!

I got this in the mail yesterday.. I've been subscribing to the magazine for just over 2 years now... but never really expected to see my blog being reviewed as the blog of the month... What's even better is that there are no mistakes in the bio Jo Tinley of Daisy Chain designs got everything right without my help, and I knew nothing about it... what a wonderfull way to start of a lovely summer weekend!

The cover of the August issue if your not familiar with the magazine! I really like the variety of work they carry!


  1. Yes it was exciting... I actually opened the magazine to that page and looked at the headpin picture and thought those look like mine.... They are mine! Anyway must get back to my knitting I'm way behind in my online knitalong project.....

  2. Congratulations Lynne, what a nice surprise!
