Friday, December 30, 2011

Color Trends for 2012

Here are the color forecasts for 2012.

"70s appliances": Gold, almond, avocado green, and muted mustard.  All I 
can say about thisgroup is bleck... I didn't like any of these colours on appliances
and I don't see me wearing any of these colours as adornment bling!
Layered neutrals: Oatmeals, browns, tans, and grays.  Boring however 
copper that has been treated with LOS (liver of Sulpher) just could sneak in
as the first colour!
Pastels: Blush pink, robin's egg blue, and mint green.  Sufice to say
I hate pastels...
but I did started making pink beads last year! Guess I was working the
upcoming trend a year early ...
and I just bought myself a pair of mint green shoes, so will have to make some 
jewellery to go with them!

Graphic Black and White:  I like black & white.. however it seems 
to be a hard colour to sell here... earrings do sell bracelets and pendants don't.

Tangerine Tango:  & Pantone's choice for 2012.  Finally a colour I like!  
Actually a lot of my wardrobe is this colour

 I made these beads yesterday before I saw the 
colour forecast... 
guess they're a bit to manderine... may have to try 
and custom mix some red enamels into this orange 
or start a new trend!

Are these beads harvest gold mixed with tangerine tango?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Almost Wordless wednesday on Thursday!

While we were sitting at the airport waiting to fly home on Tuesday... this suitcase fell off the luggage cart on the way to the plane....  A couple of people did stop and look at it.... then it got put on the luggage cart (the one in the photo) and about 15 minutes after it fell off someone came along and delivered it to a plane... I hope there was nothing breakable in it as it fell about 7 feet...  And yes I'm home from Edmonton where I spent 13 days... 4 of which were in hospital... not my idea!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Are Forsythia suppose to bloom in Dec?

My forsythia is covered in flowers today inspite of yesterdays' negative temps!  It's nice to see flowers blooming in Dec!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Holiday Ornament Blog Hop 2011

Last year in a moment of panic when I realized I'd signed up for the ornament blog hop and had nothing made I gathered up bits and pieces that I no longer loved or didn't want to use...  This year I remembered my intention to particpate with 10 days to make my ornament (am I actually getting more organized?)

Even with 10 days I decided to use a similar method of assembling components...  I started with the art bead....  then came the little glass beads to compliment it....  Well the long and short of it ... the final ornament doesn't have a single component that was in the original pile...

My beaded bead was replaced with a slightly burnt enameled bead... My raindrop was remade in a colour that matched my beaded bead which I didn't use... and instead of using little flameworked beads I used small commercial triangular beads.... The original raindrops were made as a fund raiser for a local day care... 'raindrops of hope' so I thought using one in this years ornament was appropriate!

Then I hung it on the tree next to last years ornament and decided that they were much to similar...

Link to last years ornament!

So this year Charlie's tree gets two NEW ornaments!  What a lucky tree!

Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday season... and have a I started to declutter NO!

Here's a list of other participating blogs!
Suburban Girl Studio
Life in the Lyon's Den
Jeannie's Blog
Blog by Salla
Maria Grimes
It's Been a While
Sue Beads
Artist At Work
Modern Nature Studio
Too Aquarius
Artfully Ornamental
Gem Rose Designs
Jewels by Ine
BeeTree by M.E.
Islandgirl's Insights   (You Are Here!)
Angela Lund-Logan
Gem's PC Corner
Summers Studio
Sandy Volpe
The Next Bend
Skye Jewels
Janina Grigore
Elysian Studios
Art Bead Scene