Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

Assembling Ingredients for my Bead Soup!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Yes it's my birthday next week... I was going to have a BOGOAO sale but etsy doesn't understand the Buy one get one ??? concept so I had to go with a straight discount ... and the number I chose was 30% and no I am not 60 or anywhere close to it... But I am turning an odd number so I rounded UP... WAY UP!!!! Code is Birthdayblowout.

...and for all of you that wanted me to put my Ghost jellybead up for sale ... it is now on etsy and it is 30% off.... since I can't put up a blog without an image here's one of my favorite beads in my etsy store!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

To see what's on my bead table... just click here ; although items from my stash have already joined the beads that Ann sent me, but you don't get to see those until the 17th!

OK this is going to be anything but a wordless post!  The picture is a 13 inch fused plate of mine that is in my gallery.. and considering that I didn't move the plate the picture is much better than I expected!

Last week I got an invitation to a show in Saskatoon at the Craft Council Gallery call
'Treasures from the private Collections of Fine Craft patrons'
I got the invitiation because I have a piece in the show..
I feel extremely honored to be included, especially since I left Saskatchewan 10 years ago!
Think there are about 45 pieces in the show.

My plate is on page 7 the series is called 'sticks and stones' .

The significance of todays picture/plate is that it's a more recent plate in the series and one I still have access too to photograph!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bead Soups here!

 My Soup ingrediants have arrived... I have ideas, now all I have to do is implement them!  Gorgeous boro focal, will have to find out who made it!  This is who made the focal..... go check out his etsy shop! (Formerly goofball beads?)
This is what I sent my partner Ann, similar colour scheme! 
Head over  to her blog and check out her makeover!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Location location location & the big reveal!

This is what the 'black turd on a stick' on the right hand side of yesterday BTW picture became...  The bead is called Ghost Jelly and the lap grinder is still in my dungeon...

And with respect to location location location....  it's not just real estate that that works for!  I own, operate, etc etc a small seasonal gallery on the island I live on....  I have had one pottery vase in the gallery for about 3 years.... it was sitting at the back of a shelf....  I moved it this morning after I sold 3 cordial cups.... the next person through the door bought the vase, maybe they would have seen it in it's former location and  bought it .... who knows.... But it does give me insentive to reorganize things more often!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

 This little guy mistook me for a giant magenta flower earlier this week ... I was standing under it's feeeder and it flew round and round me looking for a place to land!  Must have still figured I was a wlaking flower as it sat there and possed for me quite happily!

Thought it was time for more jellyfish... the one on the right is headed for my lap wheel.... I'm giving it one last chance before it gets flung into the Cove!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bead Soup Teaser

I can identify a few things in this picture.. but then I know what I'm looking at!

My partner is Ann Sherwood from WI and this is her blog

Friday, August 12, 2011

ABS August Challenge-Illustration for American Cresent Cycles, 1899

 This poster was an Illustration for American Cresent Cycles, done in 1899 by Frederick Winthrop Ramsdell.

I love the colours and the style of this illustration... but once I started playing with glass I just kept seeing the windblown tree silhouettes in the background! Once the focal was done... I dug through my extensive hoarded collection of vintage lucite to come up with a 'chain' to hang the bead from. The lucite is knotted between each grouping and theflameworked glass focal bead is enclosed in a copper frame with an enameled copper bead to set it off!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

These are sugar cube beads... I tripped over an online tutorial to make these at

 The one on the left has had the sugar cube dissolved ... When I had finished the first one ... I thought that the 'weave' was way to open but once you are looking though the bead it looks great!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

It's Bead Soup Party Time Again

Bead Soup Blog Party

Click on the picture NOW so that you can head over to the Pretty Things Blog to Sign up  to participate in the 4th Bead Soup Party!