Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

To see what's on my bead table... just click here ; although items from my stash have already joined the beads that Ann sent me, but you don't get to see those until the 17th!

OK this is going to be anything but a wordless post!  The picture is a 13 inch fused plate of mine that is in my gallery.. and considering that I didn't move the plate the picture is much better than I expected!

Last week I got an invitation to a show in Saskatoon at the Craft Council Gallery call
'Treasures from the private Collections of Fine Craft patrons'
I got the invitiation because I have a piece in the show..
I feel extremely honored to be included, especially since I left Saskatchewan 10 years ago!
Think there are about 45 pieces in the show.

My plate is on page 7 the series is called 'sticks and stones' .

The significance of todays picture/plate is that it's a more recent plate in the series and one I still have access too to photograph!

1 comment:

  1. Are the Baileys running the show?

    It's a lovely plate and I think I like the new one even better. Congratulations!
