Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday & Bead Table Wednesday (BTW)

 This little guy mistook me for a giant magenta flower earlier this week ... I was standing under it's feeeder and it flew round and round me looking for a place to land!  Must have still figured I was a wlaking flower as it sat there and possed for me quite happily!

Thought it was time for more jellyfish... the one on the right is headed for my lap wheel.... I'm giving it one last chance before it gets flung into the Cove!


  1. Oh I love hummingbirds, I tried to photograph them in Texas but it was pretty hopeless they move so fast, how lucky you got one to pose for you.

  2. I should clarify it's my lap wheel that's getting one more chance before it gets flung into the cove... the 'polished' bead will be revealed here later today or tomorrow!

  3. When nature inspires you then the creations are vibrant and very close to it.I like the green that is caught from nature in here is gorgeous.Initial Charms
