Thursday, August 18, 2011

Location location location & the big reveal!

This is what the 'black turd on a stick' on the right hand side of yesterday BTW picture became...  The bead is called Ghost Jelly and the lap grinder is still in my dungeon...

And with respect to location location location....  it's not just real estate that that works for!  I own, operate, etc etc a small seasonal gallery on the island I live on....  I have had one pottery vase in the gallery for about 3 years.... it was sitting at the back of a shelf....  I moved it this morning after I sold 3 cordial cups.... the next person through the door bought the vase, maybe they would have seen it in it's former location and  bought it .... who knows.... But it does give me insentive to reorganize things more often!


  1. Aaaah, now THAT is a beautiful bead.
    Congrats on the sale!

  2. what a beautiful bead!!! I just love jellyfish they are so beautiful!

  3. Wow... I was gonna say that that is one gorgeous bead... but the term 'bead' doesn't come close to doing it justice! THAT is a breathtakingly beautiful piece of art :)

  4. This bead really knocks me off my socks!!!!
    I don't have words for it.
